As you have hopefully learned by now your training has to be
specific to your goals. If you have too many goals then you can not be
You can be fit but fat, you can be thin but unfit, you can
have big muscles but be weak, you can have strong muscles but small muscles.
What defines this is partly DNA but mostly specific diet and specific training.
What most people do is join a gym and start a diet at the
same time. They then do lots of cardio (See No 5) to burn fat and weights to
get big and strong all at the same time. This is WRONG.
Lets use an example to prove the point. You normally eat
2500 cal a day and go on a diet reducing your calories to 2000 a day. You have
also joined a gym and go 4 times a weak burning 300 cal per session.
The maths shows that you are now eating 3500 cal a week
less, over a days worth of food, and are also now burning 1200 cal per week in
the gym. That is a cal difference of 4700!!!! Do you really think that is
healthy let alone productive? You will initially loose weight doing this but
within about 10-14 days you will be exhausted, probably get ill and then
rebound (get fat). If you join a gym do not reduce the calories too, clean up
your diet ( reduce cr@p, not calories) and adjust to suite. And that’s just the
calories side of things, now the exercise bit.
I wont repeat what I wrote about Cardio in Part 5, please
re-read it.
To get strong you need to lift heavy weight for 3-5 reps with a rest
period of approx 3 mins between sets and will mainly use the creatine phosphate
energy system.
To get big you need to lift medium to heavy weights, 6 - 12 reps
with a rest period of 60-90 seconds and use the lactic acid energy system.
are different training systems, different energy systems and strength training
also requires more co-ordiantion, power, CNS and is partly governed by
individual biomechanics. Therefore, trying to do both at once will always be a
compromise and how big a compromise will depend on DNA, Form, Diet and so on.
So what is the answer? Periodisation of course.
In simple terms (for the average gym goer) this is just
training once element at a time, in sequence to optimise gains.
So your average newbie to gym who wants to loose fat, gain
muscle mass and get stronger could now train like this:
Week 1 - Light cardio, stretching, mobility
Week 2 - Light cardio, stretching, mobility
Week 3 - Medium cardio, stretching, mobility
Week 4 - Medium-Hard cardio, stretching,
Weeks 5-8 - Hypertrophy (build muscle size)
Weeks 9-12 - Strength/Power
Week 13 - De-load, low intensity cardio/weights
So whats the logic in all this? I think its simple, but its
my job so it should be for me. We start by getting the body moving, nothing
fancy and a low risk of injury. We then gradually increase the intensity getting
the heart and lungs working harder. As we move into the hypertrophy phase the
heart and lungs are still working as we build muscle. Finally, we use our now
(slightly) bigger muscles to move some big weights. After this we have active
rest, we deload and train light to recover.
Each training phase compliments the next training phase
where as the original example has all the training contradicting itself.
Whatever your goal or starting point periodisation is the
way to go about it. Work in cycles of 6-12 weeks, deload, adjust, repeat. For an excellent book on periodisation check out Periodisation Training for Sports by Tudor Bompa.
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